Decodable Books
Put Skills into Practice
Learn-to-Read decodable books are the perfect supplement to any phonics-based reading curriculum.
Why phonics-based? Is that really necessary? Yes! Skilled reading requires the intertwining of many skills, but Science of Reading research clearly shows that phonics - knowing the relationship between sounds and letters - is essential.
Use phonics to teach decoding skills, then use these decodable books to put each new skill into practice. These engaging stories use carefully selected vocabulary, focusing on specific phonics skills. Students can easily read these books by themselves right after the targeted phonics skill has been taught.
This early success builds confidence and students discover that reading is fun.
CSO and Just Remember Words
Most of the words in these 46 books are decodable, but two types of words need to be memorized:
CSO Words are words you Can't Sound Out because one or more letters don't make their expected sound (of, have, they).​
Just Remember Words are decodable, but they are used in a story before the corresponding phonics skill has been taught (look, toy, girl).
Kid Focused, Parent Friendly
Parents love the format of these books:
Parents do not need to figure out when to introduce which phonics skill. We've done the work for you. All you need to do is read the books in order, beginning with book one (At Bat) in Book Set 1.
All of the words used in each book are listed on page one, so students can practice the words before reading the story.
The text is written on primary printing lines, so readers can see the correct placement and formation of letters.
A chart on the inside back cover lists the phonics skills practiced in each book.
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 1
includes one each of 14 titles:​
At Bat
Big Pig
Sip, Zip, Mix, and Fix
What Is in the Box?
Dog in a Log
Ron, Don, and Jon Add
Six Hens
One Two Three
Nets, Pets, and Jets
Four Five Six
Gus and Jud
Seven Eight Nine
Bob's Bugs
This decodable series is incremental: Students read short /ă/ words in Books 1 and 2. Short /Ä/ words are added in Books 3 and 4. As students progress through the series, they decode words with each short vowel sound.
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 2
includes one each of 10 titles:​
Jan's Cat
Red Sled
Kids Have Fun
To Two For Four
What Do You Want?
I Said Hi
I Spy
Seven Logs
This and That
Seth and His Chums
In Book Set 2, students practice the following phonics skills: short vowels, open vowels (hi, me, go), the long /Ä«/ sound for y (fly), beginning blends, and five digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh, -ck).
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 3
includes one each of 12 titles:​
Whales Love to Dive
Luke Like to Ride
Is Camping Fun?
What Would You Do?
Good or Bad
Which One Is Smiling?
If a Rabbit...
Just Once
Could a Robot...
On a Farm
Birds Chirp
Oh No, Said Bo
In Book Set 3, students practice the following phonics skills: final silent e, -ng, -nk, c /s/, g /j/, suffixes (-ing, -ed), the long /Ä“/ sound for y (happy), r-controlled vowels (ar, er, ir, or, ur), and 2-syllable words (rabbit, robot).
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 4
includes one each of 10 titles:​
When You Make a Mistake
When It's Time to Get Dressed
Which Jersey Is Bigger?
Did a Male Bring Your Mail?
Did They Do What They Were Asked?
Real or Pretend
Magic on Red Oak Road
Can You Guess What I Was Dreaming?
Can You Guess What I Did Yesterday?
Favorite Things
In Book Set 4, students practice the following phonics skills: -tch, long vowel patterns (-ind, -old,
-oll, -ost), long vowel teams (ai, -ay, ee, ea, -ey, -ie, oa, ow, -oe), schwa, ph /f/, and silent letters (kn, wr).
Scope and Sequence
You'll be amazed at how perfectly these decodable books align with your reading curriculum:
See for yourself why people value our books:
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 1
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 2
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 3
Learn-to-Read, Book Set 4
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I buy individual titles?
These books are only sold in sets.
2. Should the books be read in order?
Yes. The books get progressively more difficult. Students should master the skills in one book before moving on to the next one.
3. Will the Learn-to-Read decodable books support the reading curriculum I'm using?
Yes! The skill progression in each book set is systematic and sequential, following the standard order for introducing new phonics skills. New CSO and Just Remember words are printed on the first page in each book, so students can practice reading new words before they read each story.